Jake X - Civilization (single)


Civilization is the third single by JakeX and it was born out of a collaboration with the American PoetED, pianist and producer from Richmond, NY. The encounter between the two has given birth to a very interesting mix in which an instrumenta beat tending to hip hop meets a pop singing style. The result is a song with a strong and steady stride, melancholic and growing.

The rhythmical accents given by the interplay of music and vocal melody, keep the attention high during the whole performance. The story narrated by the song gives a crescendo and intensity to the piece. The text depicts a modern scene where a father goes out for a walk at 4 am, not caring of the child, the protagonist of the story, left at home alone. Later, the story of the main character develops between direct mentions and life metaphors we anyone can relate to.

The title, Civilization, as well as the story it narrates, is a consideration/provocation about that state of affairs we call modernity or civilization. The music has been written and produced by PoetED while JaKeX is the author of the text and the vocal melodies, the final master is also his.


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